Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Yikes, I've been gone a while, haven't I?

I hadn't realized that I hadn't posted in 10 days...oops. The last week or so have been a little crazy in general, but hopefully things have died down enough that I can get back on track. We were in Tampa for the weekend last week, and I did some running on the beach. Even though the sand was packed pretty hard, I was surprised that my calves were sore the next day. Makes me wish I had access to the beach everyday.

We had a 7 mile run on Saturday morning. It was pretty cold, but I love running in the cold, so it felt great. This Saturday will be an 8 mile run, as we get ready for The Gate River Run here in Jacksonville, the following weekend. I'm looking forward to that race, I've heard it's a "must run" here in the area.

Fundraising is moving along slowly, but I'm starting to sell raffle tickets, so hopefully that will pick things up. I have to admit, I wouldn't mind buying some raffle tickets myself to try for some of these prizes, but it just doesn't seem right for me to do that. I guess I'll just have to see if someone else is doing something similar and buy some tickets from them.

I set up a table to sell tickets this past Saturday. I had spoken with the owner of a shop and he said I could do it Saturday morning. Well, when I drove up, there were a bunch of Girl Scouts selling their cookies just a couple of stores away from me. Talk about tough competition! They were super cute though, and having been a Girl Scout troop leader for many years myself, I couldn't resist buying some boxes. I thought it was amusing to be raising funds and talking about training for the marathon with people, with an open box of Dosido's next to me.

If I can somehow detach this 2 yr old, 35 pound leech from my hip, I will try to get some running in on the treadmill later.

I guess that's it for now.

Waddle On!

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