Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Yummy ice cream

A bunch of members of Team In Training met at Friendly's on Wednesday night. I took my 2 older kids with me, and of course they wanted the massive, monster, 12 scoop, 8 toppings sundae. Well, of course I I did steal a few bites, it was pretty good. But alas, even they could not finish it, but they sure had fun trying.

It's been raining here, so I have done some running on the treadmill. It's not the same, but better than nothing I suppose.

I'm playing hooky on our team run tomorrow, as we are taking the kids to Disney. But I figured I'll be walking all day long, and easily put in 8 miles that way.

Fundraising is a bit nerve wracking. I had hoped to have had more donations by now, since re-commit is just around the corner (March 12). I am trying to work on possibly putting together a cookbook that I can sell. I've also received some donations I am going to try to include in the silent auction at a poker fundraiser that is being put on in one of the local hotels. I know I will eventually get the donations, I just need to get a little more aggressive I suppose.

Off to get ready for Disney!

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