Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Running, it does a body good.

There are 2 things I learned while doing my 10K yesterday. One is that you really learn to appreciate life as you are running past a bunch of tombstones (yes, the run was through a cemetary...kind of creepy), and two, those places are hilly!!!!

Our team had done an 11 mile run the day before, and when I got to the race yesterday, I really had no desire to do it, but I signed up for it, so of course I went. At one point the course split with the 5K participants going one way, and the 10K going the other way. I told myself I had done enough and was going to jump onto the 5K path, but my legs wouldn't listen to reason, and they pulled me down the 10K path. I was super happy at the end though. I had a personal best having run the 6.2 miles in 1 hour 1 minute. When I first started running again, I was averaging a 11-12 minute mile, and that was for shorter runs. I did the same thing on Saturday's run, but I figured that was a fluke. That really made my day.

Then when I got home I decided to take my measurements, because I had noticed my clothes were fitting looser. From December 30th until now I have lost 15 lbs and 19 inches! WOOHOO! Talk about incentive to keep going!

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