Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I am so proud of my daughter, Devon. She is 10 1/2 and is part of a great program called Girls On The Run here in Jacksonville. The goal of the 10 week program is for girls to train to run a 5K at the end, but to also learn about making healthy choices, to build their self esteem and to support each other along the way.

Today was her third meet, and she ran 3.25 miles. She was supposed to do 1.5, but after she did that she said she wanted to keep running, so several more laps later, she ran slightly beyond a 5K. That's my girl!

I hope she and I can start running races together, starting off slow and short, and building up to longer runs as she gets older. That is as long as she's not too embarrased to be seen with Mom.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Ali, that is so great! I hope my girls will want to run someday too!