Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Almost a month????

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've posted. I'd be surprised if anyone is even looking on here anymore....yikes. Things have been super busy with the end of the school year coming up, so I apologize.

Well, this weekend we have an 18 mile run in store! I'm excited and nervous about it all at the same time. We did a 16 mile run 2 weeks ago, but then I missed our 13 mile run last week, so hopefully my body won't hate me too much. I've been doing other things in the meantime, like Body Combat. It's kick boxing taken up a notch. There's even part of the class where we are waving plastic machete's kids get jealous when I tell them I got to play with a sword when I

Just one more the day! I am so excited, not just for doing the run, but for being part of such a great experience overall with Team In Training. This has really been an amazing journey up until now and I feel honored to be a part of it all.

We put together a Family Fair last Saturday to raise some funds. It went really well. My teammates were awesome with all of their help. We had music, popcorn, cotton candy, chicken, hot dogs, chips, drinks, moon bounces and 24 foot slides, it was a blast. Then Captain Character showed up. He set up a giant bounce house that looked like Scooby Doo's Mystery Machine. The kids all flipped out over it, and even more so when Scooby himself showed up to hang out with them. Many, many thank for that. Tina got some pictures of the team with Scooby and I can't wait to see them. I'll post it on here as soon as I get a chance.

Fundraising is still going full force. I've raised $2,900 so far and need another $1,000 by May 18th. I'm still selling those cookbooks, and we have a church garage sale coming up on the 12th, what a good incentive to purge all of the toys and items in my house that I don't even use.

Well, that's about it for now. Take care everyone.

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