Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

20 Miles! We did it!

We had our longest training run before the marathon this past Saturday. Twenty (that's right...20) miles!!!

It was muggy and hot out, the type of running conditions I absolutely hate, but we all did it. I'm not sure what the best part of it was.....actually completing it, or the mimosas awaiting us at the end.

Well, just a little over 2 weeks left, I'm so jazzed about this trip. I've never been to San Diego before, and to be going so I can be involved in something like this just makes it that much better. I was looking at the race course the other day, reading about the expo and the speakers that were going to be there, basically getting psyched over all.

I am just within a couple of hundred dollars of reaching my goal, I am super excited about that. I have to admit, when I started this journey, the thought of raising $3900 scared the crud out of me and I never thought I could do it. But, it's amazing how much people want to help out and be a part of raising funds for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I've also been surprised to meet so many who have had family members with a type of blood cancer, or they themselves have/had one. Cancer does not discriminate at all, young, old, friends, family, it doesn't care. I am so happy to have been able to do a very small part to help those people. Several have told me that they or family members have had great results with medications developed and funded by The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, it is so obvious how vital they are in helping find a cure.

To those who have donated, thank you very much.

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