Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Penguins can't fly, but they sure can run!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Team in Training Kick off is tonight!

I am so excited about this.

Tonight we will meet with out teammates, team leaders, coaches and honoree. This is the official start of this journey, and I'm totally jazzed.

I'm also so amazed by people's generosity. I have had several restaurants donate dinners and gift certificates, t-shirts, you name it, so that I can raffle them off or do a silent auction with them for TnT. I just received a call back from a local chiropractor who is donating a certificate for an hour long massage. His sister won her battle with leukemia, so it is something close to his heart. The thing that amazes me, is HOW many people that I've run across who have similar stories to share with me. Some are stories of victory, and sadly some are not. But, I suppose that is what this is all about. Hopefully one day all of the stories will be stories of victories.

To all of you who have donated so far, thank you very much.

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